Scientific Society of Oxigen Ozone Therapy

Sioot, Scientific Society of Oxigen Ozone Therapy, it’s a scientific association that aims to promote the research and studies for the development and the application of the oxygen-ozone therapy.
It was set up in the 1983 and since then there are over 2.500 members. There are also several hospitals and universities who practice this therapy.

It’s partner with FISM Italian Federation medical scientific society.
It organised six national congresses, three International congresses and four world congresses. It has its own International Scientific Committee that oversees the research.

Since 1994 has been promoting, as sponsor and in cooperation with the Institute of Phatmacology of the university of Pavia, the drafting of eleven scientific procedures for the application in several disease of oxygen ozone therapy. This procedures, as required by European legislation, are covered by insurance.
In 2008 it established, in cooperation with Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the consensus conference ““Ossigeno-ozono terapia nel trattamento delle lombosciatalgie da ernia discale con tecnica iniettiva intramuscolare paravertebrale”, report ISTISAN 08/9 ISSN1123-3117 .
It edits its own magazine: Ozone Therapy. 

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